a. Chemical Energy
chemical energy is the energy which saved in the chemical compound such as food and gasoline.
b. Electrical Energy
Television and air conditioner and all other electronika tool is example tool that using electrical energy .
c. Potential Energy
Potential energy is energy that have in an object because of its position to other object.
there is two kind of potential energy , that are :
1.) Potential Gravitational Energy is energy that having in an object because of gravitational. for example is a water fall that falling from certain height .
2.) Potential Spring Energy is energy that having in an object because of spring force.
for example is dinamometer
d. Kinetic Energy
kinetic energy is energy which related with motion . Every moving object which contain of mass having kinetic energy .
e. Mechanical Enegy
Mechanical energy is energy which having in object because its position and its movement . Mechanical energy is an addition of potential energy and kinetic energy .
mechanical energy is a combination between potential energy and kinetic energy. can you tell us about an examples of mechanical energy that we often meet in our daily life?
BalasHapusyour post very interested
BalasHapusi want to ask, do you think there is a relationship between force and energy?
why mechanical energy applies if there are no external forces ?
BalasHapusi like your article,,
BalasHapusespecially the example given, it is easy to understand ..
how about the electricity? that is kind of energy or not?
BalasHapusthanks Inke
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